Griffith lab of
Evolution, and

Research at the nexus of biogeography, evolutionary biology, and global change.

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Data submission portal for plantspec

Welcome to the submission portal for the the plantspec dataset. Our goal is to build a community of data contributors in order to increase the general availability of spectral calibration data for NIRS. These goals are further described in XXX publication. We are focused on plant stoichiometric data, but also invite other data types (e.g., soils). We use a free data submission service, and so if you data exceed 500 MB, or if you have issues with the form, please simply email the files and information to Thank you for contributing!

Your name:

Contact email:

Full author list:

Data description:

Suggested citation:

Data usage agreement:

By submitting this form, you acknowledge that your data will be publicly available. Users of you data will be encouraged to properly cite your data based on the citation you submit above. After inspecting data submissions, we will post data on our project website and may include datasets within distributions of the R package called "plantspec." Thank you for contributing to the community!

I agree to these terms

Upload component data table:

Upload zip file with spectral files: